HyperChem log start -- Mon Nov 22 12:45:10 2010. Single Point, SemiEmpirical, molecule = CO.hin. ExtendedHuckel Extended-Huckel Calculation: Singlet State Calculation Number of Electrons = 10 Starting Extended-Huckel calculation with 8 orbitals Charge on the System = 0 Total Orbitals = 8 Number of Double Occupied Levels = 5 Unweighted Huckel Constant = 1.7500000 d Orbitals on Si...Cl If Any Not Included Eigenvalues (eV) and Eigenvectors Mol. Orbital 1 2 3 4 5 6 Symmetry: 1 SI 2 SI 1 PI 1 PI 3 SI 2 PI Eigenvalue -34.56481 -18.95163 -15.62530 -15.62530 -13.48923 -9.19870 S C 1 -0.31921 0.64302 0.00000 -0.00000 -0.41454 -0.00000 Px C 1 -0.00000 0.00000 -0.37069 0.00105 -0.00000 0.72360 Py C 1 0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00105 -0.37069 0.00000 -0.63955 Pz C 1 0.06703 0.33411 0.00000 -0.00000 -0.56672 0.00000 S O 2 -0.79487 -0.33003 -0.00000 0.00000 -0.06031 0.00000 Px O 2 -0.00000 0.00000 -0.83875 0.00237 -0.00000 -0.45362 Py O 2 -0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00237 -0.83875 0.00000 0.40093 Pz O 2 0.02716 0.55624 -0.00000 0.00000 0.68775 0.00000 Mol. Orbital 7 8 Symmetry: 2 PI 4 SI Eigenvalue -9.19870 40.38628 S C 1 -0.00000 1.03746 Px C 1 0.63955 -0.00000 Py C 1 0.72360 0.00000 Pz C 1 -0.00000 -1.20803 S O 2 0.00000 -1.18037 Px O 2 -0.40093 0.00000 Py O 2 -0.45362 0.00000 Pz O 2 0.00000 -0.85987 Energy=-4531.775849 Symmetry=C*V ********************************* RESULTS ********************************* Sum of One-Electron Energies = -4531.7758489 (kcal/mol) Sum of One-Electron Energies = -7.221700317 (a.u.) ----- Molecular Point Group: C*V ----- ----- EIGENVALUES(eV) AND SYMMETRIES ----- Symmetry: 1 SI 2 SI 1 PI 1 PI 3 SI Eigenvalue: -34.564809 -18.951630 -15.625303 -15.625303 -13.489229 Symmetry: 2 PI 2 PI 4 SI Eigenvalue: -9.198698 -9.198698 40.386282 ----- ATOMIC ORBITAL ELECTRON POPULATIONS ----- AO: 1 S C 1 Px C 1 Py C 1 Pz C 2 S O 1.472942 0.433902 0.433902 1.124050 1.674280 AO: 2 Px O 2 Py O 2 Pz O 1.566098 1.566098 1.728728 ----- NET CHARGES AND COORDINATES ----- Atom Z Charge Coordinates(Angstrom) x y z 1 6 0.535204 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2 8 -0.535203 -0.00000 0.00000 -1.13000